Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's Sometimes Sunny in San Diego

Thankfully, we agreed to move our Sea World trip up a day to Friday for fear of the weather predictions. Turns out it was the best decision ever because we had an amazing, sunny day at Sea World on Friday – we were even able to sit in the Splash Zone. Saturday... well, that was another story. It rained most of the morning, but that didn't deter us from enjoying ourselves. We powered through the constant stream, meandering through the quaint shops of Seaport Village. We tried on silly hats, ate lunch at a pizza parlor on the edge of the water, splashed in the puddles (there's a video down there with proof), shared yummy hot cocoa, and played giant checkers in a coffeeshop/bookstore. All in all, it was a surprisingly fun and mellow day. And even though it rained, the memories are bright and shiny.

We headed to Coronado Island (over that huge bridge in the photo above) on Sunday, since it was beautiful when we woke up. Even though we had a long drive back home, we got so caught up being near the ocean, we didn't head back to Arizona until around 5 in the evening. These are the kinds of moments we don't get to share often, and I'm appreciative for every second I got to spend with my two favorite people in the world. When we got home Sunday night (around 11), I tucked Helena into her bed and tears started to fall from her eyes. I asked her why she was sad and she replied, "I'm not. These are happy tears." And she gave me a huge smile and an equally big hug, then rolled over and fell asleep.







  1. Jess,
    These pictures are absolutely breathtaking! So glad you were able to make such great memories together! Treasure these times!

  2. Thanks mommy!

    Funny thing is, because of the sun, I couldn't even see what I was looking at through the viewfinder. Guess I've got some dumb luck – photographically speaking. :)
