Monday, October 31, 2011


What a busy weekend it was. let me give you a little rundown on what occurred:

*inhales large breath*

Friday night, get off work early. Pick Helena up. Take her to the school carnival. Jump on bouncy houses. Slide down inflatable slides. Balance an egg. Attempt to do rock climbing wall. Get too scared. Get face painted. Eat roasted corn. Eat kettle corn. Skip helping out at the class booth. Having too much fun. Get hair spraypainted. Leave carnival. Short drive from the school to Biltmore. Outdoor movies in the park. Watch Beetlejuice. Pet stranger's dogs. Veg on the blanket. Eat more kettle corn. Pack up. Go home. Friends visit. Show off decorations. Friends leave. Make a list of everything you have to do. Reconsider. Watch reruns of The Office instead.

(while I'm pausing to breathe, you can watch these videos of Helena at the carnival)

Wake up early Saturday morning. Make Helena's breakfast. Take my Carole King record off the wall and realize it works. Listen to it three times. Clean the house. Send Jordon to run errands. Keep cleaning. Set up the food table. Make chili. Make pepperjack pinwheels. Yell at Jordon for taking forever. Make guacamole. Set up the backyard. Change lightbulbs. Bathe Helena. Fashion a wooden finger (with Jordon's help). Trim my wig. Hang up tarps. String lights. Put Helena's costume on. Shower. Put on my costume. Set out food. Put on wig. Guests arrive. Yell at Jordon to put on his costume. Make Spider Cider. Watch how many guys it takes to set up the projector. Drink. Talk. Barely eat. Play games. Drink more. Give prizes. Guests leave. Complain about not taking pictures. Eat a cupcake. Realize how much you drank. Go to sleep. Wake up too late on Sunday morning. Miss going to the cupcake festival Jordon got tickets to. Post-party cleanup. Get told a dozen times to have the party again next year. Complain again about not taking pictures. Calm Helena down for an hour after she realizes she was the murderer from the party game. Relax on couch. Watch Breaking Bad. Watch Breaking Bad. Watch Breaking Bad. Make spaghetti. Eat spaghetti. Watch reruns of The Office. Open the Halloween candy early. Read a story to Helena. Go to sleep.

Phew! I'm exhausted. :P

{Stay tuned for costume party pics}

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