Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So That's How It's Gonna Be, Huh?

When Helena takes a bath, I run through the list of body parts to double-check whether or not she's washed them.

"Is your face clean? Behind your ears? Your hands, your elbows, your armpits? How 'bout your knees? Behind your knees? In between your toes? Is your butt clean?"

All of these questions received a simple and polite "yes" in response, with the exception of the last one. With the last question, she proceeded to stand up in the tub, turn around, and spread her cheeks in my face. As if seeing her anus wasn't enough, Helena then farted. Right in my face!!

Her reply to this? "Well, it was clean!" Followed by an uproarious giggle fit. Not sure if any of you have ever been in a position to actually witness expelled flatulence.... it's not recommended.