Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Helena-ism 342

Me: "Are you going to take all of Jordon's money?"

Helena: "Psh, Jordon doesn't even have any money."

Helena-ism 341

Helena: "Mom, I ate my dinner. Can I have a cookie?"

Me: "Or would you rather have these?"

(As I pull Cinnamon Twists out of the bag that I had been hiding. Keep in mind, "dinner" was Taco Bell.)

Helena: "Oh, you know me."

Helena-ism 340

Me: "Time to wake up."

Helena: "Come back in October."

Helena-ism 339

"It's windy this morning. You should have checked the Weather Channel."

My Kid is Cooler Than Your Kid...

... because she understands winning isn't everything.

Helena: "Chess club is great! Even if I don't win!"